Banner Management

What is the feature about?

With Banner Management you can create banners and then display them on the results page of specific product listings, search requests or in typeahead.

There are two different banner types:

  • Using an image banner, you can display an image URL on a results page and link to a target URL if necessary.
  • With an HTML code, you can customize an HTML banner and link to a target URL if necessary


These are the different positions where you can display a banner: 

The selection options for structure and position depend on the settings made by an epoq admin in the tenant configuration. For any questions, please contact our Customer Success team.

  • Header: The banner is displayed above the search result or product listing.
  • Inline banner: The banner is inserted as a row in the search result or product listing. You can choose in which row the banner should appear. 
  • Tile banner: The banner is displayed as a tile in the search result or product listing. The banner can have a width of 1 or 2 tiles. Additionally you can define the position. 
  • Typeahead: For each of the above banner types, you can additionally select typeahead as the banner type. Then the banner will also appear in the typeahead.


Image Banner

With this option you can, i.e., display a banner for the keyword 'coat', which links to your reduced winter goods.


HTML Banner

With this option you can deposit your individual banner as HTML code.



How do I manage the feature in the Control Desk? 

You can find the feature Banner Management in the Control Desk under Services > Search > Features.

After you have created an entry, it will appear in the overview table. 



There you can activate/deactivate, configure or delete an entry. 

The symbols used in the Control Desk are explained here.


Examples of Use

You can find some general Use Cases here.


How to create a banner for specific search results

Create a banner entry with a search term as trigger and enter the search terms
for which the banner should appear. Optionally, you can specify a validity period and a country code.
Then select Image Banner as the banner type and enter the image URL.



Display banners above all search results and product listings

For the upcoming Black Week, a page with many products and discount promotions has been created. You want to promote this page on all search results and product listing pages of the online shop.
To do this, create a banner entry for all search results pages and product listings and specify a validity period and, if necessary, the country code. Then add the image URL, the target URL (your landing page) and a title.



Promote campaigns using banners in the search result

Play inline banners in the search result or product listing and draw attention to campaigns or discount promotions. To do this, store an image URL and, if necessary, a target URL in the Control Desk.



Display a banner as a tile in the search result

In the control desk you can set banners over the width of 2 product tiles. This way you can link to landing pages or promote discount promotions. When you create a banner entry, you need to select "tile" as the banner type and specify the settings for the tile banner and image URL. 



Show banner in typeahead

You can display banners in the typeahead and thus already redirect to landing pages when entering a search term. Create an entry with typeahead as the banner type in the Control Desk and store an image URL and a destination URL. In addition to the typeahead, you can display the banner in the header, inline or as a tile. 



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