Onsite Recommendation Use Cases

Here you can find examples of how to use each feature:


In my shop unwanted recommendations are displayed - what can I do? 

It can happen that products are displayed in recommendations that you do not want to display there. For example, these can be hygiene products, $1 items, or coupons. Using the Blacklisting feature, you can add these products based on certain attributes to a blacklist and choose whether it should apply to all or to selected recommendations in the shop.


I want to highlight certain products in my recommendations - how do I do that?

You want to promote end-of-season sales? Or highlight certain brands in your recommendations? With the Whitelisting feature, you can add products with certain attributes to a whitelist and choose whether to apply it to all or to selected widgets in the shop.


I would like to display products on a certain topic on my start page - is that possible?

Find the right clothes for your ski vacation. Stay on trend and secure your new jeans look. - Decide which topics are played out in the recommendations. In addition to product-oriented sales areas, the Theme Worlds feature can be used for digital storytelling. In this way, a shop can create an emotional sales level, offering shop visitors inspiration in context.

With the help of Theme worlds, you can group products with certain attributes into a theme and display them in all or selected recommendations in the shop.


How can I recommend matching products or categories?

There are product categories that fit together perfectly. For example, with bicycles, it is useful to recommend accessories such as bike baskets, helmets and bike locks.

For individual products such as a bikini top, it makes sense to display the matching bikini bottom on the product detail page.

Recommendations mean inspiration for your customers on the one hand, and more sales for you on the other! With the help of the Combi Creator, you can define the appropriate recommendations for a specific product (Product Combis) or category (Category Combis) and display them in your shop. This way, your shop visitors will see exactly those products or categories that could be equally relevant for them.

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