Rule settings for recommendations

Set up the rule chain of a widget for recommendation features

For the recommendation features to take effect on a widget, the rule chain of a widget must be edited, which means that the corresponding rule must be assigned to the widget in the rule editor. The first time the user creates an entry for a recommendation feature (Blacklisting, Whitelisting, Combi Creator, Theme worlds) and assigns it to a widget, an email is generated and sent to the support team. The team will then add the corresponding rule to the widget's rule chain. This process is not automatic, as the rule's position in the chain is not always unique. Until this process is completed, the user will see the message “is set up" in the Control Desk. Once the process is completed, the entry will affect the recommendations. Setting up the rule chain is only required initially. Further changes to the entry or the creation of new entries for the same widget will take effect immediately.



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