I can't log in to the Control Desk

There may be several reasons why you cannot log in to the Control Desk:


Check email address

Please check that you have entered the correct email address. It is usually the same as your business address. Your email address will serve as your username.


Check password

After account activation, you have received an email with a link to create your password. The link is only valid for a few hours. If you have forgotten this email, please contact us and request a new one. If you have forgotten your password, please go to I forgot my password.


Please note that the password is case sensitive

The username (email address) and password are case sensitive. Therefore, check that the correct capitalization has been used.


Pay attention to spaces

When entering your username and password on the login screen, make sure there are no extra spaces before or after the text.


Check account activation

Have you already applied for an account and made sure it is activated? If you are a new customer, please check with our support if your account is activated or not.

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